Emerging Sight: the multifaceted nature of perception
The world of colour is boundless, adventurous and exciting.
Embarking on a journey into its many territories, means wandering through the prairies of the emotions, passing through the steep rivers of physiological reactions and the ones of lighting theory, up to the endless expanses of the senses, symbols and meanings.
This kind of journey is by its nature very dispersive, it is a way of wandering with eyes wide open, while the hands are touching unusual surfaces and the thoughts are piling on top of each other in an unbroken chain of emotional and perceptual concatenations.
We do not even remotely wish to be exhaustive, but we would hope, with this simple chromatic installation, to open the doors to a marvelous universe that has always attracted us and in which, fortunately for us, we have the opportunity to work every day.

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