Allianz MiCo
13 - 14 November 2024


ARCHITECT@WORK successfully closes the last edition of Milan and returns in 2019 with a new event for Turin

11 December 2018

The Milan event on 14 and 15 November successfully closed the 2018 ARCHITECT@WORK calendar, with 3,885 traders visiting the event over the two days, or 8% more than in 2017.

The next event, scheduled for October next year and important in terms of the north west of Italy’s commitment to innovation in architecture, construction and design, will be held in Turin, on 23 and 24 October 2019. Turin alternates every two years with Rome, which hosts its fourth edition in 2020. In Milan, on the other hand, the annual two-day event is allocated its usual dates in mid-November.

This year, two hundred exhibitors have demonstrated, through the showcasing of their projects and products, what it means to create modern day architecture, finding environment-friendly, versatile and modular solutions, made with materials that are frequently inspired by tradition, but innovating and improving them with new unique features and by using high-performance technologies.

The many visitors, from a broad range of design sectors, welcome the challenge set by innovation in every edition, and participate in the event in different ways:
- attending the subject-based talks scheduled for the afternoon, focused this year on the theme of light as an actual material in architecture.
- receiving informative support and studying, with companies, the possibility of incorporating new ideas in projects involving indoor and outdoor residential or public spaces.
- networking, which is seen as a real benefit by ARCHITECT@WORK, which responds to the ever-increasing and growing need to create a perfect environment for discussion and comparison, an indispensable prerequisite for innovation as the main topic of discussion.

ARCHITECT@WORK returns to Italy in 2019 with two new events:
- Turin, 23 and 24 October, first edition
- Milan, 13 and 14 November, sixth edition

Updates and information, as always, can be found on 

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